Excellent Relationships With Cemeteries Throughout Northern New Jersey
With over 80 years experience, you could imagine that we have great relationships with most cemeteries throughout the Northern counties in NJ. We would have to since we been building monuments of all kinds for customers coming from each individual county. When a loved one is put to rest, the relatives usually prefer that it’s done as local as possible.
Since we’re in the monument business it’s only fitting that we have developed rapport with many cemeteries of all faiths whether it be for helping a customer with a plot, working to refinish an older monument or provide lettering, rest assured; we have plenty of experience working all over New Jersey.
All of the Cemetery Installation Fees and Info Upfront
Cemeteries typically charge a fee for the plot or foundation where your loved one will be buried. In most cases, they ask that this fee be paid in full before any type of monument, memorial or headstone is even delivered.
On your behalf, Artistic Monument will check out all of the paperwork along with fees and make sure everything looks right and up to regulation. This is importance since certain cemeteries may have specific rules or parameters in place for the types of monuments allowed to be placed there. We’ll make sure that anything we create or design will meet the desired requirements of the cemetery before hand so you can avoid any additional trouble. We realize this may sound cliché but, Your satisfaction is really in our best interests.
Cemetery Monument Lettering
If there’s an existing marker, grave, headstone or practically any type of monument within a cemetery in which you’d like lettering changed or added for your loved one, we provide complete services for this. We can properly inscribe whatever you’d like written without the need for removing the stone.
Artistic Monument Co does not use sub-contractors. We are a local, family owned and operated business that prides itself on beautiful, custom work that you can be completely satisfied with. We have all the right equipment to get the job done properly and provide any type of lettering desired throughout Northern, NJ.